So one of my very best friends Michelle retired from the Air Force and moved to Texas. Her husband is from Texas and that’s where they settled. I’ve yet to get to Texas to visit.

Michelle has been an avid Rangers fan, going to Rangers game and tweeting and facebooking about them. So in honor of her I decided to be a Rangers fan for the World Series. WHO KNEW watching baseball could be this exciting. And if you want to know how much of an MLB Baseball fan I haven’t been in the past…I had to get MLB jerseys cheap schooled that the World Series is the best of 7 games played between the same 2 teams. LOL. I guess God wanted me to give baseball fandom a try!
What’s been fun is learning who’s who on the Rangers and particularly two around the way NC boys on the team. There’s Josh Hamilton – who has battled drugs and alcohol and given the glory of recovery to God and admitting that not putting God first was the hindrance to his recovery. And then there’s Matt Harrison who’s from literally RIGHT around the way in Stem, NC. Just makes it cooler to watch the Rangers.

So I’ve been watching the World Series games with her and while the game is on we chat on Facebook about the game and the Rangers. It’s almost as cool as being on Newhope Icampus at the same time!